My dearest friends,
How is morning where you are, I dont mind what time are going to go through my msg, what is important is what you can get from my msg.
I would like to share with you about the power of stress busters, the normal state of the human mind and body is not of tension and anxiety, but of total health and relaxation.
Much of stress we experience is self-created and self-perpetuated, through the misuse of our minds and emotions. The good news is that this type of stress can be controlled.
Here are five stress busters:-
1. Exercise for twenty minutes to one hour every other day. Exercise induces your muscles to go through alternating cycles of tension and relaxation.
2. Continuously affirm to yourself, separate your perception, opinions and value jugements of a negative event from the event. Affirm to yourself, "Its just an event"
3. Dont make value judgements about people or events. A value judgements occurs when you inject strong opinions, beliefs or feelings into or about an event. Value judgement includs: good or bad, just or unjust, right or wrong, pleasant or sickening. Make negative value judgement and you become upset and full of stress.
4. Disconect your emotions from the outcome of events. Dont say "If I get this I'll be happy" if you state that you have also programmed your mind to believe that "If you dont get that it will be miserable for you"
5. State preferences instead of expectations or demands, state that " I prefer to get this if not I'll go for this one"
This powerful stress buster is the best way to keep your emotions in Balance. Mind you my friends prolonged stress is the result of the continual misuse and misunderstanding of your mind/body system.
From Mhache P. A
Kinondoni Municipality
ref. Stress by Ashwani Bhardwaj
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
My dearest friends at CED Program
My dearest friends,
First of all let me say congratulation to all of you for what you have done to accomplish the CED Program which was concluded at Kibaha – Bungo at 31st of October 2009. I don’t care if you went home very late and come across kachumbari zikiwa zimechacha.
Let me remind you two things,
First it was 17th of August 2007 on Friday 14:51:31 when our sister Rukia Program coordinator sent to us the following msg.
“Dear Participants,
We are pleased to inform you that the venue for Dar es Salaam classes will be at National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) complex. This is situated near Ocean Road Hospital between World Health Organization (WHO) and State House.
We believe you received information concerning Course Outline and Class Schedule. The orientation will be on Sunday 2nd September from 9.00 to 13.00 hours followed by the week of class session. It is very important that you attend the orientation session because registration is done at this stage.
For those who have financial outstanding for the first installment, please pay to enable smooth running of the course.
Best regards”
It was also on 23rd November 2007 around 15:06:30 on Friday also when Rukia sent us the following msg.
“Dear all,
1. Find your ID number plus Bar codes for USN library use.
2. We will start processing your ID's after signatures. You will be notified when they are ready.
Contact us if you have a problem.
CED Program”
Am not so sure if there is one of us who got an opportunity to use the Bar code to access USN Library, but any way I don’t care we have done it.
It was also in November 4th, 2009 our program director sent to us the following msg
Ref: OUT Graduation Ceremony.
Dear participants,
I hope this finds you well.
On October 31st, 2009 the Open University held its 21st Graduation Ceremony in Kibaha. As in the past, following an agreement reached between the Open University and the Community Economic Development Program, our students were allowed to walk during the ceremony.
To attend the 21st Graduation Ceremony organized, you have been cleared by an Academic Audit conducted by the CED Office in Tanzania. However, in addition to the Audit conducted by our office, a final Audit will be carried out by the Registrar’s Office at Southern New Hampshire University.
Please be advised that your attending the Graduation Ceremony at the Open University of Tanzania does not guarantee issuance of degree and transcript, as this is under the sole authority of Southern New Hampshire University.
Please be advised that if you have incomplete grades - not filled the Petition to Graduate Form - not fully paid your tuition - not submitted your Final Project Report, you will not receive a certificate and transcript from SNHU. This means that you have not graduated.
It is our hope that you will assist us in going through this process.
Congratulations on your accomplishments.
Yours, Sincerely
Michel Adjibodou
Director, CED Program
Now we are where we are, may God Bless You all and give you what you worked for.
Thank you all, please pray for me to remember so that I can also remind you.
Mhache P. A.
First of all let me say congratulation to all of you for what you have done to accomplish the CED Program which was concluded at Kibaha – Bungo at 31st of October 2009. I don’t care if you went home very late and come across kachumbari zikiwa zimechacha.
Let me remind you two things,
First it was 17th of August 2007 on Friday 14:51:31 when our sister Rukia Program coordinator sent to us the following msg.
“Dear Participants,
We are pleased to inform you that the venue for Dar es Salaam classes will be at National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) complex. This is situated near Ocean Road Hospital between World Health Organization (WHO) and State House.
We believe you received information concerning Course Outline and Class Schedule. The orientation will be on Sunday 2nd September from 9.00 to 13.00 hours followed by the week of class session. It is very important that you attend the orientation session because registration is done at this stage.
For those who have financial outstanding for the first installment, please pay to enable smooth running of the course.
Best regards”
It was also on 23rd November 2007 around 15:06:30 on Friday also when Rukia sent us the following msg.
“Dear all,
1. Find your ID number plus Bar codes for USN library use.
2. We will start processing your ID's after signatures. You will be notified when they are ready.
Contact us if you have a problem.
CED Program”
Am not so sure if there is one of us who got an opportunity to use the Bar code to access USN Library, but any way I don’t care we have done it.
It was also in November 4th, 2009 our program director sent to us the following msg
Ref: OUT Graduation Ceremony.
Dear participants,
I hope this finds you well.
On October 31st, 2009 the Open University held its 21st Graduation Ceremony in Kibaha. As in the past, following an agreement reached between the Open University and the Community Economic Development Program, our students were allowed to walk during the ceremony.
To attend the 21st Graduation Ceremony organized, you have been cleared by an Academic Audit conducted by the CED Office in Tanzania. However, in addition to the Audit conducted by our office, a final Audit will be carried out by the Registrar’s Office at Southern New Hampshire University.
Please be advised that your attending the Graduation Ceremony at the Open University of Tanzania does not guarantee issuance of degree and transcript, as this is under the sole authority of Southern New Hampshire University.
Please be advised that if you have incomplete grades - not filled the Petition to Graduate Form - not fully paid your tuition - not submitted your Final Project Report, you will not receive a certificate and transcript from SNHU. This means that you have not graduated.
It is our hope that you will assist us in going through this process.
Congratulations on your accomplishments.
Yours, Sincerely
Michel Adjibodou
Director, CED Program
Now we are where we are, may God Bless You all and give you what you worked for.
Thank you all, please pray for me to remember so that I can also remind you.
Mhache P. A.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Inasikitisha kukutana na msomi na mtu aliyewahi kushika nyadhifa katika serikali lakini lakini anakuwa wa kwanza kupinga maendeleo ya wananchi. Huyu sio mwingine ila ni Col. Mstaafu ambae ameamua kung'oa bomba la maji na kujenga uzio kuzuia mradi wa wananchi. Hoja zake ni kudai kulipwa fidia. Ujenzi huu umewasikitisha sana wakazi wa Salasala licha ya yeye mwenyewe kutoona na kudai kupewa huduma ya maji.

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Mh. Lugimbana mkuu wa Wilaya ya Kinondoni kwa tarehe 18/08/2009 hadi 19/08/2009 alikuwa na kikao cha kazi kati ya Maafisa Watendaji wa Kata zote 27 za Manispaa ya Kinondoni, Maafisa Watendaji Wamitaa katika mitaa yote 127 ya Manispaa ya Kinondoni na Maafisa Afya wa Manispaa ya Kinondoni.
Semina hii iliandaliwa na Kamati ya Usafi ya Manispaa ya Kinondoni ikiongozwa na Mh. DC Lugimbana kwa lengo la kuliandaa jeshi la kuweza kupambana na hali ya uchafu katika Manispaa yetu ya Kinondoni pamoja na kero nyingine zinazowahusu wananchi wa Manispaa ya Kinondoni.
Kikao hiki cha kazi kiliwahusisha pia vyombo vya usalama - Usalama wa Taifa Mkoa wa Kinondoni chini ya RSO, DSO's wake, pia RPC na OCD's wa mkoa wa Kinondoni.
Lengo la msingi ni kuwawezesha watendaji kwanza kujenga mahusiano na viongozi hao na pia kushirikiana katika mbinu mbalimbali za utendaji wa kazi zetu.
Mambo yalikuwa mazuri embu endelea na kujionea mambo yalivyokuwa:-
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Kikao kati ya Dawasa na Jumuia ya Watumiaji maji Salasala kilichofanyika ofisi za Dawasa tarehe 15/04/2009. Lengo kuu la kikao hiki lilikuwa kuishirikisha DAWASA kama mdau mkuu katika mradi wa Maji Salasala. Jumuia ya Watumia Maji Salasala inapata changamoto kubwa kutokana na idadi ndogo ya wateja waliounganishwa kwenye mtandao wa maji, uwezo wa Tanki la Maji n gharama za uendeshaji, gharama za kutandaza mabomba kuelekea kwenye eneo lenye wakazi wengi.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Prepared by P. A. Mhache
Yes my friends today I would like to talk a little bit about Finance, Financial Management and Financial Accounting. We normally end up with a confusion when people talk about Finance in our organization. Other thought that as you announce the terminology “FINANCE” you mean Finance Department. As the results we end up with a conflict within different departments, Finance Department are claiming that their duty has been taken by other departments while other department direct their duty to the Finance Department.
To overcome the problem let us make some reference and try to come up with a common stand about it.
According to the Oxford Dictionary of Banking and Finance, the word finance has several meanings. The first meaning is that finance refers to the practice of manipulating and managing money. In another meaning finance means the capital involved in a project, especially the capital that has to be raised either to start a new business, or to facilitate the running of an existing company, e.g. a loan of money from a bank. In the book by Maheshwari (2003)1, finance is defined as the provision of money at the time it is wanted.
In all these definitions, there is one common thing, and that is, something to do with money. It is very common to hear people saying that businesses need money to make money. Another, but equally common saying goes like “money begets money, only when it is properly managed”. The latter saying reminds us that it is not only finance that matters, but it is also how it is managed.
6Meaning of Financial Management
It is the entire range of efforts devoted to the management of sources and uses funds by the organization. It includes the efficient use of an important economic resource, namely capital funds. It concerned with the managerial decisions that result in the acquisition and financing of long term and short term credit for the firm. It deals with the situations that require selection of specific assets or combination of assets; the selection of specific liabilities (i.e. sources of funds to finance the assets) as well as the problem of size and growth of an enterprise. The analysis of these decisions is based on the expected cash inflows and outflows, and their effects upon managerial objectives. In short, financial management is concerned with management of funds, and the finance manager must see that the funds are procured in a manner that the risk, cost, and control considerations are properly balanced in a given situation and there is optimum utilisation of funds.
Financial management is the ways and means of managing money, implying the determination, acquisitions, allocation, and utilisation of financial resources (McMenamin, 1999). Financial management is therefore a process of analysing financial situations, making financial decisions, setting financial objectives, and formulating financial plans, to attain those objectives and providing effective system of financial control to ensure plans progress towards the set objectives.
It is important, now, to distinguish financial management from financial accounting, the two disciplines that are often confused. The two are quite distinct from each other. Financial accounting is concerned with the recording reporting and measuring of business transactions. The information produced by financial accounting is used by the financial manager to take decisions to help the organisation in achieving its objectives. So financial accounting is a data collection process dealing with the accurate recording and reporting while financial management is a managerial decision making process. Financial accounting is concerned with the measurement of funds while financial management is concerned with the management of funds.
The main objective of financial accounting is to keep a systematic record of the transactions of the company (eventually producing the financial statements). On the other hand, financial management is primarily concerned with the task of ensuring that funds are procured at optimum cost and involved minimum financial risk. It also ensures that funds are available at the right time and procurement of the funds does not interfere with the right of management or exercising control over the affairs of the organization.
Is that the case! I need your comments
Prepared by P. A. Mhache
Yes my friends today I would like to talk a little bit about Finance, Financial Management and Financial Accounting. We normally end up with a confusion when people talk about Finance in our organization. Other thought that as you announce the terminology “FINANCE” you mean Finance Department. As the results we end up with a conflict within different departments, Finance Department are claiming that their duty has been taken by other departments while other department direct their duty to the Finance Department.
To overcome the problem let us make some reference and try to come up with a common stand about it.
According to the Oxford Dictionary of Banking and Finance, the word finance has several meanings. The first meaning is that finance refers to the practice of manipulating and managing money. In another meaning finance means the capital involved in a project, especially the capital that has to be raised either to start a new business, or to facilitate the running of an existing company, e.g. a loan of money from a bank. In the book by Maheshwari (2003)1, finance is defined as the provision of money at the time it is wanted.
In all these definitions, there is one common thing, and that is, something to do with money. It is very common to hear people saying that businesses need money to make money. Another, but equally common saying goes like “money begets money, only when it is properly managed”. The latter saying reminds us that it is not only finance that matters, but it is also how it is managed.
6Meaning of Financial Management
It is the entire range of efforts devoted to the management of sources and uses funds by the organization. It includes the efficient use of an important economic resource, namely capital funds. It concerned with the managerial decisions that result in the acquisition and financing of long term and short term credit for the firm. It deals with the situations that require selection of specific assets or combination of assets; the selection of specific liabilities (i.e. sources of funds to finance the assets) as well as the problem of size and growth of an enterprise. The analysis of these decisions is based on the expected cash inflows and outflows, and their effects upon managerial objectives. In short, financial management is concerned with management of funds, and the finance manager must see that the funds are procured in a manner that the risk, cost, and control considerations are properly balanced in a given situation and there is optimum utilisation of funds.
Financial management is the ways and means of managing money, implying the determination, acquisitions, allocation, and utilisation of financial resources (McMenamin, 1999). Financial management is therefore a process of analysing financial situations, making financial decisions, setting financial objectives, and formulating financial plans, to attain those objectives and providing effective system of financial control to ensure plans progress towards the set objectives.
It is important, now, to distinguish financial management from financial accounting, the two disciplines that are often confused. The two are quite distinct from each other. Financial accounting is concerned with the recording reporting and measuring of business transactions. The information produced by financial accounting is used by the financial manager to take decisions to help the organisation in achieving its objectives. So financial accounting is a data collection process dealing with the accurate recording and reporting while financial management is a managerial decision making process. Financial accounting is concerned with the measurement of funds while financial management is concerned with the management of funds.
The main objective of financial accounting is to keep a systematic record of the transactions of the company (eventually producing the financial statements). On the other hand, financial management is primarily concerned with the task of ensuring that funds are procured at optimum cost and involved minimum financial risk. It also ensures that funds are available at the right time and procurement of the funds does not interfere with the right of management or exercising control over the affairs of the organization.
Is that the case! I need your comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
1. Never wake up early: Keep stretching and turning in bed until you get too hungry to continue dozing. If there are no bedbugs, why hurry to get up?
2. Never plan how to spend your money: Whenever you get money, start spending it right away and when it is finished, try to count and recall how you spent it.
3. Don't think of saving until you have real big money: How can you save when you earn so little? Those telling you to save are not sympathetic to your burning needs.
4. Don't engage in activities usually reserved for the "uneducated": How can you, a graduate, engage in petty trade or home- based production? That is for people who never went to school.
5. Don't think of starting a business until an angel comes from heaven and gives you capital: How do they expect you to invest before you get millions of shillings? Even though more than half the businesses in your town were started with a few hundred shillings, you as a smart person can only start with millions.
6. Complain about everything except your own attitude: Blame the system, the government and the banks that refuse to lend you money. They are all bad and do not want you to get rich.
7. Spend more than you earn: To achieve this, buy consumer products in credit and keep borrowing from friends and employer.
8. Compete in dressing: Make sure you wear the latest clothes among all the workers in your office. Whenever your neighbour buys a new phone, get one that is more expensive.
9. Get yourself a nice second- hand car that costs more than three times your gross monthly pay: That will surely keep you in debt long enough to hinder the implementation of any bad plans that could make you accumulate capital.
10. Give your children everything they ask for since you are such a loving parent: They should not struggle for anything because you do not want them to suffer. That way, they will grow up lazy and hence poor enough to ensure they cannot help you in your old age.
If you diligently implement these 10 great rules, you will not fail to invite poverty in great measures to your homestead. That way, all important leaders, from East or West, will spend al lot of hours thinking about you, planning how to uplift your daily expenses above one dollar. Isn't it nice to be the subject of concern of all those leaders and scholars?
1. Never wake up early: Keep stretching and turning in bed until you get too hungry to continue dozing. If there are no bedbugs, why hurry to get up?
2. Never plan how to spend your money: Whenever you get money, start spending it right away and when it is finished, try to count and recall how you spent it.
3. Don't think of saving until you have real big money: How can you save when you earn so little? Those telling you to save are not sympathetic to your burning needs.
4. Don't engage in activities usually reserved for the "uneducated": How can you, a graduate, engage in petty trade or home- based production? That is for people who never went to school.
5. Don't think of starting a business until an angel comes from heaven and gives you capital: How do they expect you to invest before you get millions of shillings? Even though more than half the businesses in your town were started with a few hundred shillings, you as a smart person can only start with millions.
6. Complain about everything except your own attitude: Blame the system, the government and the banks that refuse to lend you money. They are all bad and do not want you to get rich.
7. Spend more than you earn: To achieve this, buy consumer products in credit and keep borrowing from friends and employer.
8. Compete in dressing: Make sure you wear the latest clothes among all the workers in your office. Whenever your neighbour buys a new phone, get one that is more expensive.
9. Get yourself a nice second- hand car that costs more than three times your gross monthly pay: That will surely keep you in debt long enough to hinder the implementation of any bad plans that could make you accumulate capital.
10. Give your children everything they ask for since you are such a loving parent: They should not struggle for anything because you do not want them to suffer. That way, they will grow up lazy and hence poor enough to ensure they cannot help you in your old age.
If you diligently implement these 10 great rules, you will not fail to invite poverty in great measures to your homestead. That way, all important leaders, from East or West, will spend al lot of hours thinking about you, planning how to uplift your daily expenses above one dollar. Isn't it nice to be the subject of concern of all those leaders and scholars?
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
In order to bring close the service of water to the residents of Mboma road it requires us to raise about 6.6 ml out of connection fees. This is a cost of main line construction, Wo Can we, Yes we can. The costs required cover only 308 m, that is 78m from Reserve Tank to Col Masero and 230m from Col Masero to Kitimoto.
As I went through I realise we are about 20 residents and incase we devide the sum among ourself we are required to contribute almost about 330,000 mind you is not an exactly figure. Let advise each other what are going to do
Ha ha haaaa
We real need water at Salasala, lack is for those who are already connected but Inshallah things will be OK.
As I went through I realise we are about 20 residents and incase we devide the sum among ourself we are required to contribute almost about 330,000 mind you is not an exactly figure. Let advise each other what are going to do
Ha ha haaaa
We real need water at Salasala, lack is for those who are already connected but Inshallah things will be OK.
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